
Using research evidence to enhance mathematics teaching

Last year, NCETM commissioned us to write an evidence bulletin as part of its strategy to give mathematics teachers access to research that can inform their practice. The evidence bulletin was designed to summarise academic research in interesting ways and provide materials to support teachers wanting to try out new methods. This year, we will be producing another evidence bulletin for NCETM which will draw together a range of enquiries carried out by teachers and show the impact the enquiries had on their practice.

Effective practices for CPD - Helping teachers to use research evidence to support their learning

We have been commissioned by the TDA to work on a project designed to support effective CPD practices in schools. We are supporting groups of teachers and teaching assistants in two schools – one secondary and one primary – in using research evidence as a stimulus for professional learning. We have explored the findings from a number of research studies with the teachers, using digests we have produced for The Research Informed Practice Site (TRIPS).

LSIS Inside Evidence

Previously found in the QIA Quality Improvement Journal, Inside Evidence now has a new look and is a stand alone publication. CUREE writes and edits this quarterly bulletin.  Inside Evidence is an innovative publication for the learning and skills sector, which brings relevant research and developments in teaching and learning to the attention of practitioners, curriculum leaders, subject learning coaches, and senior leaders.

The Research Informed Practice Site (TRIPS)

CUREE populated the Research Informed Practice area of the DCSF Standards website with practitioner friendly digests of recent articles from research journals. We focus particularly on topics of interest to teachers and other 'practitioners' and users in education, including pupil grouping and assessment for learning.

The site contains clusters of related articles to enable users to explore practical concerns from a range of perspectives and in different contexts. CUREE tracks down the research, appraises and presents it in an accessible, user orientated, web-based format.

Research for Teachers (RfT)

The General Teaching Council has commissioned CUREE to produce a Research for Teachers (RfT) feature for its website for a number of years. RfT is an innovative venture that helps teachers access research of practical value in the classroom, and provides teacher trainees with a ready source of research evidence for their studies. Each RfT summarises a substantial research project and illustrates the findings with case studies, many of which are conducted by teachers.

Teaching and Learning Research Programme - Research Tasters

These short articles link research findings to suggestions for collecting classroom data for reflection and future planning. They cover a range of topics including parental involvement and behaviour. One taster suggests how teachers can collect, then build on evidence about pupils’ contacts with literacy at home to create ideas parents can use with their children. 180 tasters can be accessed now at with many more forthcoming.


From here you can browse through most of the content of the site. You can browse by topic, phase, or title. You can also browse CUREE's enews archive.

Press office

If you have a media enquiry, please contact Evangelia Araviaki on (024) 7624 3716.

Philippa Cordingley is often approached for commentary on:

  • The effective use of research in education;
  • Continuing Professional Development for teachers;
  • Mentoring and coaching practice in schools and colleges.


These pages are currently being developed and will contain the latest CUREE news plus facts and background information about our areas of expertise.

Other mentoring and coaching resources

NUT E-Learning Resource

Looking to enhance mentoring, coaching and/or Professional learning in your school or with groups of schools? Too often CPD for Coaching and Mentoring concentrates on the Coaches and Mentors and overlooks the contribution of the Professional Learner.

Click here to view a sample of the animations based on real school scenarios. Try out strategies that remedy mistakes and see how coaching and mentoring relationships can be improved and made worthwhile.