
Lincolnshire Schools Heads' Peer Review, Final Report

CUREE has been delighted to be involved in this Peer Review programme with Lincolnshire Schools and this final report presents the very interesting patterns which have emerged from the Peer Review process, our findings and recommendations. 

The training for 46 Heads from across Lincolnshire, which began in September 2015, was facilitated by an experienced team throughout and included a series of workshops for the Heads who were arranged into three cohorts, firstly to ensure a high level of engagement with facilitators and secondly to ensure that the workshops were geographically accessible to all. 

Put the New Standard For Teachers' Professional Development to use with CUREE CPD

To support the recently published New Standard for Teachers' Professional Development, CUREE are proud to announce a series of professional development opportunities deeply rooted in leading evidence and CUREE’s extensive expertise.

Following on from launch event workshops in the West Midlands and London with members of the expert panel that helped design the New Standard, these exciting programmes will help colleagues make effective use of the New Standard and further promote its contributions to school improvement.

Increase the Impact of Your CPD on Staff and Pupil Learning

The New CPD Standard – What does it really mean for practice?

On the 3rd of October, 2016, CUREE helped to host a seminar with the members of the Expert Panel who authored the new standard for teachers’ professional development (published July 2016) to explore how to put them to work for school improvement. This important seminar marked the start of an ongoing campaign to ensure the standards are widely understood, used and exemplified and to help to build a shared understanding of what quality in implementation looks like. 

Hosted at the prestigious RSA headquarters the seminar focusd on:

Forging strong links with Continuing Professional Development and Learning (CPDL) as part of school improvement - the standard positions CPDL as a key driver of school improvement. This matters for every leader of school improvement and especially for the Teaching Schools Council and their Regional leads and those who have budgets and a new and stronger remit for school improvement. The seminar explored the links between the CPDL and this all important work

The School-led System – what have we learnt and where is it going?

For two years CUREE staff and associates been delighted to play a part in supporting the development of the school-led school improvement system in the West Midlands. That particular role - Teaching and Leadership Adviser (TLA) - comes to an end this month as the sponsor, National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), is closing down the service. As my colleagues, Jill Wilson and Pauline Smith, and I wrap up final reports and hand back the infuriatingly slow Government IT kit, this is a good time to reflect on how the school-led system has developed in that period and to think about what might happen next.  Although the TLA role has ended, CUREE and its team are still here and keen to support colleagues in teaching schools, multi-academy trusts and individual schools as they work to provide the best possible futures for their pupils in very uncertain times.

CPDL that works for pupils as well as teachers

On the 21st June Philippa Cordingley presented at the Developing Great Teachers Conference in Cardiff, drawing on CUREE's extensive work with mentoring and coaching and the international evidence behind effective CPDL in 'CPDL that works for pupils as well as teachers; evidence based tools for embedding high-quality coaching'

Find out more about Effective Mentoring and Coaching here, or by getting in touch at

CUREE Enews - May 2016


Goat, by Sunlight


  • The Philippa Blog
  • Quality Mentoring - Securing and Retaining the Next Generation
  • Build your own R&D and Staff Development Programme
  • CUREE Welcomes Professor Andy Goodwyn!
  • Come Say Hello!


The Philippa Blog

Just when we all thought we knew what frantic was, everything moved up a gear in the few weeks between Christmas and Easter and now we are all facing the run up to SATS and exams. To build on a poster on a meeting room door in a school in Lincolnshire where we're working with one of our three amazing groups of primary school heads on evidence based peer review this week - "Children are the priority, change is the reality, evidence helps us link the two". The gears CUREE has been pedalling through (fast) which I think will interest you came from three main sources:

Teacher Development Fund for learning through the arts

ResearchED Presentation

First we were working with the Paul Hamlyn Foundation to consult about and launch the pilot of its new Teacher Development Fund to support CPDL for embedding learning through the arts in the primary curriculum. This is going to take place across the four home nations so we met in Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh, London and Bristol - all in 2.5 weeks!