
ResearchED Scandinavia 2016 - CPD That Works for Pupils as Well as Teachers

In March 2016, Philippa Cordingley was invited to present at the international ResearchED Scandinavia conference. Drawing on leading research and evidence her session investigated effective CPD that supports both teachers and learners.


More information about developmental opportunities that support staff as well as pupils can be found here:  

Developing Great Teaching - A review of the evidence about Continuing Professional Development and Learning

Developing Great Teaching - Lessons from international reviews of effective professional development

Launched at a prestigious gathering at the House of Commons on 9th June, this report outlnes the findings from a recent systematic review of the international research literature examining the evidence of what makes effective teachers' professional development and learning. This 'umbrella' review builds on but substantially updates the findings of several earlier Reviews many of which were undertaken by CUREE. This recent review is the product of a team from CUREE, Durham University and UCL Institute of Education . It was supported by the Teachers Development Trust and TES Global.

The key finding of the Review was that carefully designed CPDL for teachers with a strong focus on pupil outcomes has a significant impact on pupil achievement.

The work is presented in three ways, each of which is downloadable from this page:

Leadership Methodologies Compared

One of  the- some would say the one - key pre-occupations of leadership is the future. And the trouble with the future is that it hasn't happened yet - so there are many techniques for attempting to organise thinking around shaping the future. This simple table compares the key features of three different currently popular approaches or methodologies.

CUREE's Local Leadership of Education and Training project for the Education and Training Foundation included some experimental testing of these three approaches which you can also download from here

If you are interested in CUREE's Leadership Development Work, you'll find more about it here or contact Niamn Mc Mahon to discuss your situation

Part of Everybody's Day Job

Effective and Efficient Ways of Leading Research in Schools

Presentation to the ResarchED Research Leads Network Day on 14th March 2015 in Corpus Christi College Cambridge

Keynote presentation by Philippa Cordingley outlining the research evidence around effective use of evidence in school quality and improvement, the connection between professional learning and student learning and the role of leaders. To access the slides of the presentation, contact

The challenge of maths and English teaching in the Further Education and Skills Sector in England

coverCUREE was commissioned by the Education & Training Foundation to research the key issues in the teaching of maths and English in the sector. Conducted very rapidly and in partnership with EmCETT we interviewed policy makers and experts, reviewed the international research evidence and consulted leaders and practitioners across the sector. We think the report provides a fascinating window into how maths and English teachers and their leaders are thinking about the new level 2 challenges. The full report is published here now and will also be available on the Foundation website shortly.

Closing the Gap: Test and Learn UPDATE

Note: the lead responsibility for taking the project forward rests with CfBT. The information below is provided for general interest and may not be accurate or up-to-date. For authoritative information on the project in detail contract the National College or CfBT

First Year Results

Five of the seven interventions had a distinct and 'complete' cycle in the first year. The post tests (literacy or numeracy) were carried out in June/July and the National College (assisted by DfE Analytical Services) are analysing the results. A preliminary view of these is expected to be available in September.

National Framework for Mentoring and Coaching

Quite a lot of research has a long shelf life. At a time when new Standards are published or about to be, it's worth revisiting some earlier ones. The National Framework for Mentoring and Coaching remains very relevant today. Originally published in 2005, and later taken forward in an updated form by the Welsh Assembly Government (available in English and Welsh) the National Framework sets out ten principles, based on evidence from research and consultation, to underpin effective mentoring and coaching programmes in schools. These Principles are suppported by:

QCDA Building the Evidence Base

The Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education (CUREE),  in partnership with the School of Education, University of Wolverhampton, ran a 3.5 year project starting in 2007 to develop for the then Qualifications and Curriculum Authority the Evidence Base underpinning its development of the curriculum. The project included four activity strands focused on exploring successful approaches to the obstacles to progress which schools were encountering.