Current projects

Current or recent projects:

The Excellence Gateway holds scores (around 500 so far) of FE and Training practitioners' research resources. These include reports of classroom teaching techniques, results of applying digital technologies to existing practices, and a wide range of resources generated by colleges and other providers in, for instance, the Outstanding Teaching Learning and Assessment (OTLA) programmes. The materials include practitioner researchers’ succinct reports of what was tried and how effective it was together, in many cases, with presentations, classroom materials, evaluation tools and other...

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CUREE are currently conducting an evaluation of The National Gallery City Year Project.

The City Year Charity challenges 18-25 year old students from diverse back grounds to act as City Year Volenteer Mentors for a year. They are placed in schools within the UK, to support student from challenging backgrounds. The aim for mentors is to act as ‘near peer’ to the student.  The City Year Project has been organised in partnership with the National Gallery and has been run for the past three years. The project aims to to engage school...

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Ursuline High School (UHS) is a voluntary-aided Roman Catholic school for girls aged 11-18. The school provides a comprehensive CPD programme for its own staff and is increasingly running training for colleagues from other schools. Their curriculum equips girls with skills for the modern world and develops them as critical and independent learners, and also confident communicators.

o  CUREE were delighted to carry out a full QR Provider Review for...

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We are delighted to have been working with Wednesbury Teaching School Alliance to Quality Rate (QR) their CPD offer. We were able to accredit their CPD programme and recognise that they are a 'very good' quality provider.

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CUREE is currently supporting the Capital City College Group, consisting of the Westminster-Kingsway and City & Islington Colleges, in the creation and initial activity of an Innovation Development Unit. The leadership at the College Group have decided to add a dedicated strand of inquiry-based practice to their approach to Continuing Professional Development & Learning, and have decided that this would be best brought about by creating a team whose role is specifically to facilitate and support the design, implementation and impact evaluation of these inquiries. CUREE is...

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CUREE is working closley with primary and secondary schools in North Wales to develop CPDL programmes and implement bespoke Route Maps, with the aim of building research-informed practice and classroom enquires specific to the context of learners in these areas. The bespoke Route Map aims to develop evidence informed success and school improvement. Whilst, the CPDL sessions provide direct and sustained support for challenge advisers and subject leaders and indirectly support schools, as well as allowing staff to think about how they could improve and implement...

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We are currently delivering CPD sessions for Ealing. The aim is to help attendees to evaluate the impact their current CPD programme has in their school and how this can be adapted to become more effective.

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CUREE are working with the Inter-American Development Bank to review international teacher evaluation systems and develop case studies for six high-performing PISA countries or states. The research is designed to identify the effectiveness of a range of policy-driven teacher evaluation systems; review the important structural aspects of the policies and systems which provide a shape role at key stages of the system improvement journey; and identify other variables which have a strong influence on the nature and operation and successful evaluation systems. 

This project with...

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CUREE are proud to be continuing to work alongside the Paul Hamlyn Foundation in the second pilot year of the Teacher Development Fund, a new programme designed to support the embedding of learning through the arts across the curriculum. CUREE are drawing on our extensive CPDL and evaluation expertise to continue to evaluate the success of the fund during its pilot phase and inform its further development.

The Teacher Development Fund has been designed to facilitate the sustainable embedding of learning through the arts across the curriculum. In...

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CUREE are working with the ATLAS Teaching School Alliance as a professional research partner on a Department for Education-funded research and development project investigating data-related workload at KS5 and how to reduce it. The project will explore the existing beliefs and expectations of different stakeholders (students, parents, teachers and school leaders) linked to the collection, sharing and analysis of data, evaluating the current inefficiencies and workload demands linked to these activities in order to examine how they might be better re-deployed, whilst...

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CUREE are proud to be delivering coaching sessions to the staff at Hitchin Boys' School to help implement their EMAC resources into their practise.

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A research project about teachers’ professional identities across seven countries. Education International (EI) is the world’s largest federation of unions, representing over thirty million teachers and education workers across the globe. The research utilises a mixed-methods approach consisting of field studies, interviews surveys and document analysis. This project capitalises on EI and its affiliated members’ networks of relationships with teachers and government officials. It also draws on CUREE’S dedicated approach to making sense of rigorous research and producing well-evidenced...

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We at CUREE are delighted to be working with the recently formed Chartered College of Teaching. The organisation aims to support teachers to continually develop their knowledge and expertise to achieve the best outcomes for children and young people. CUREE are using our extensive resource bank to tailor and fine tune research resources that meet their overall objectives and specifications.

The first set of research resources on which we are working cover two initial...

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The TSC Leadership Development Project features two leadership programmes that CUREE are running with the Teaching Schools Council and ASCL. The first is the Accelerator Headteachers programme, for newly appointed headteachers who have been thrust into headship. The second is the Executive Headteacher programme, which offers development and networking opportunities for colleagues in this only recently defined role. These programmes are currently in a pilot phase and will be rolled out as full programmes later this year.

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CUREE are proud to be a delivery partner for the Right to Succeed charity during their first project, supporting schools across Blackpool to accelerate their progress through an extended programme of school improvement and support.

Working with seven schools across Blackpool, CUREE have produced a bespoke Route Map of research and evidence based resources tailored to the specific priorities of the participating cohort. The schools will also receive comprehensive reports using CUREE’s SKEIN Momentum benchmarks, capturing a snapshot of their current...

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