Closing the Gap: Test and Learn Trials of Classroom Interventions

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Probably the largest ever trial of classroom based interventions under controlled condition

CUREE, in partnership at Durham University, was commissioned by the then  National College for Teaching and Leadership (now reasorbed into the Department for Education) to establish a large scale trial of school interventions. These were to focus on closing the gap in pupil achievement for disadvantaged children and to be run in trial  mode (e.g. randomised controlled trials or RCTs) but to be managed by the growing network of Teaching Schools 

That design was completed in little more than a term and was handed over in the Autumn of 2013 to the implementation (or 'Capability') contactors CfBT (now called Education Development Trust) and it's partners, Oxford University School of Education and CUREE. As well as designing the whole thing, CUREE also desiigned and ran two of the seven selected interventions, Response to Intervention  and Research Lesson Study for Literacy. 

The project and the individual interventiosn were subject to a lot of monitoring and evaluation including external testing of the target children. The results of the tests and the project overall were reported in detail and have since also been written up in a book called Mobilising Teacher Researchers

The various reports produced on the project are (at time of writing) avalaible on the DfE website  here. However, with the Department's penchant for deleting big chunks of the system's knowledge base, we have taken the precaution of placing the key documents on our website as listed below


Background Information

The links below take you to some of information about the project at the time of inceptions


If you want to find out more information about Closing the Gap, RTI or RLS contact