Pulling Together
Use this sampler to get an idea of the types of resources and activities that are included in Pulling Through: ensuring the right mix of challenge and support in co-coaching.
The Evidence People
Use this sampler to get an idea of the types of resources and activities that are included in Pulling Through: ensuring the right mix of challenge and support in co-coaching.
Use this sampler to get an idea of the types of resources and activities that are included in Pulling Through: developing mentors' ability to support professional learners in drawing on evidence and expertise.
Use this sampler to get an idea of the types of resources and activities that are included in Letting Go: developing coaches' skills in increasing professional learners' independence.
For a number of years government policy initiatives have been supporting networking between schools: TVEI, Beacon schools, Specialist schools, and also networks of schools: Education Action Zones, Leading Edge Partnerships, LIG Collaboratives and Networked Learning Communities.
Despite all this activity there remains ambiguity and uncertainty about the effect of networks, the knowledge base surrounding them and their merit as an improvement strategy at scale. What, for example, makes a good network? How do we avoid networks becoming more social than rigorous? What is the cost benefit of network activity? What additional benefits are there for practitioners, organisations and the communities they serve? If these questions are not challenging enough in themselves, the dominant concern surrounds the most vexing issue of all. What is the evidence that networks make a difference to pupil achievement?
A concept map showing the national initiatives for communicating with teachers about research
CUREE was commissioned by GTC to undertake a qualitative exploration of the strategic planning and evaluation of continuing professional development (CPD) at school level.
In commissioning this study the GTC wanted to explore how and by whom decisions are made in schools about CPD needs and priorities, and subsequent resource allocation and evaluation; and to what extent this appears to be a strategic or an ad hoc decision-making process. As a result of this, GTC hoped to identify a menu of options and levers for improving the ‘demand side’ of CPD provision, particularly in its strategic planning and evaluation at school level.
The Effective Mentoring and Coaching resources are designed to be easy to use by CPD leaders in schools and colleges without external training being essential to getting started. However some schools and networks are keen to have a development session which kick starts a coaching programme or which helps to take an established programme to its next level. In these situations training sessions have been found to be helpful, engaging and confidence boosting.
This website provides access to information about CUREE; our work, our staff and our partners. You can also access a range of resources from this site including buying those of our products or services which have a 'sticker' price (though much of what we do is commissioned).
'How does collaborative Continuing Professional Development ( CPD ), for teachers of the 5-16 age range, affect teaching and learning.'
June 2003.
Abstract/summary to be written.
Look for the first 6 modular, interactive units of a suite of learning resources for CPD facilitators and co-ordinators working with groups of colleagues. The resources centre on animated presentations of a series of common problems and practical tools for resolving them.