Visual awareness strategy

Aim: To improve childrens' confidence and engage disaffected pupils (boys in particular) through the teaching of a Visual Awareness Strategy (VAST), as a third visual tool with which to express themselves across the curriculum and to instruct teachers in VAST strategies and Action Research Methods to enhance their own teaching through the use of a visual awareness strategy across the curriculum.

Promoting behaviour for learning

Aim: The aim of this project was to find a more effective approach to managing behaviour than the schools existing structured system of consequences. In particular, the research focused on how positive behaviour strategies could be used to improve students behaviour for learning. This stemmed from my personal concern that whilst the system of consequences was a helpful way of managing poor behaviour, there was little acknowledgement given to students who behaved well.

Students As Researchers: How does being a student researcher affect learning?

Aim: From 1996 the school had tried to establish a Students as Researchers (SaRs) initiative to enable students to investigate, analyse and present student perspectives on aspects of school life and learning. This study records the attempts to evaluate the impact of participating in such research projects on the students learning. The aim of the research was to evaluate the impact of participating in such research projects on the students themselves in terms of: Their attitude to the SaRs initiative; Their social skills; and Their academic skills.