Improving writing through a creative approach

Aim: The main aim was to build and implement an approach to raising achievement using a creative strategy based on the current evidence about improving childrens motivation for writing. Specifically the objectives were: To raise the attainment in writing of an underachieving Year Two class through a creative approach. To improve pupils attitudes towards, and engagement with, the writing process. To make clear links to the Primary Framework Objectives for text, sentence and word level within an integrated approach.

Sports education: a vehicle for the inclusion and performance of your underachieving and disaffected pupils

Aim: To improve the attainment (A-C %) of disaffected and underachieving GCSE PE pupils through the integration of a school-specific leadership model, to improve pupils attitudes towards and engagement with learning and to marginalise poor behaviour through implementation of the flexible model as a vehicle for citizenship, fostering a sense of belonging, equality, accountability, ownership and enjoyment.

Transition and beyond

Aim: The aims of this project were to create a smoother transition across key stages for teachers, pupils and parents, to improve collaboration across key stage transition and to develop teachers knowledge and understanding of each others curriculum/routines/events/lessons.

Raising boys' attainment in English through single gender teaching and assessment for learning strategies

Aim: The original aim of the project was to investigate ways to raise boys attainment in English. We were aware that our GCSE top sets were heavily weighted towards girls, with often less than ten boys in a group of thirty plus, and we wanted to address this imbalance. The main aim of the study was to close the attainment gap between boys and girls.