How TASC (Thinking Actively in a Social Context) helped to ensure rapid school improvement

Aim: To raise expectations and the levels of achievement of all pupils; To lift the self-esteem and motivation of both staff and pupils; To actively involve parents and governors in school development; To give ownership and to develop pupils pride in their primary school; and To create a positive learning environment and a school culture which celebrates excellence throughout the whole school.

Creative science

Aim: The aim of the project was to explore the impact of innovative teaching methods on attainment / achievement and attitudes in science. This project focused on the teaching of sound through music. The overall aim of the project was to encourage teachers to be more creative in their approach to science teaching in order to make science more interesting, exciting and engaging for the children.

Using a supportive mentoring to aid important action research

Aim: The primary aim of this project was to provide a supportive, pro-active and practical mentoring partnership in which individual teachers could conduct their independent action research. The results were actually far more significant than the original aim suggested and extended beyond the boundaries of the action research itself. Research mentoring led to tangible and long-term benefits both for our personal development and our professional development as teachers.

Did Pupils' Learning in Year 6 History and Geography increase as a result of a specific inservice training (INSET) intervention focused on Teaching Quality

Aim: An explanation of how pupils' learning in Year 6 history and geography was affected by an inservice training (INSET), an explanation of how pupils learning in Year 6 history and geography was affected by an inservice training (INSET) intervention focused on teaching quality.

Teaching conditional spelling rules in the classroom: an intervention strategy for teaching the split digraph rules a-e/o-e

Aim: To explore the impact of computer presentations on motivation and learning in the classroom, to investigate whether it is best to teach related spelling rules within a given timeframe, or rules that differ from each other and to assess whether the learning of a related rule strengthens the knowledge of the first rule learned or whether it interferes with it.

What impacts can developments in literacy teaching have on teaching and learning in history?

Aim: To investigate the impact of literacy initiatives on teaching and learning in history. How successful have new methods to support extended writing been in raising the quality of work in history? How is reading approached in history? Achievement; History; Literacy/English; Secondary; Understanding

Narrative Writing Project

Aim: The overall aim of the first phase of the project was to raise attainment in narrative writing for children in Year 6. The second phase involved extending the project to all children in Key Stage 2. The first phase is complete and the second phase is still being evaluated.