Teaching punctuation

Aim: To identify reasons why some pupils in Year 8 have difficulty with basic punctuation, to explore teachers' perceptions of pupils' difficulty with punctuation and their pedagogic strategies for supporting pupils with punctuation problems and to suggest strategies which are likely to help pupils use punctuation successfully

Can thinking skills offer a framework to support young children's comprehension in literacy?

Aim: The study sought to explore the extent to which young children of 5/6 years of age could be encouraged to articulate their thinking and the way they perceive themselves as learners. In particular the researcher aimed to investigate whether the use of thinking skills strategies within a Year 1 class could improve the childrens comprehension of literacy texts and encourage a wider participation within the class members through speaking and listening.

Using data to ensure gifted and talented students achieve their full potential in Design and Technology

Aim: The research set out to look into the provision for Gifted and Talented pupils within Design and Technology at Key Stage 3 in a Hartlepool school, which was currently using a standardised ability test known as Middle Years Information System (MidYIS). Two questions were considered: Are test results from MidYIS a reliable indicator for technology GAT pupils? and Does a more creative delivery encourage GAT pupils to produce higher-level ideas and to be more satisfied with their projects?"

Whose voice is important in decision-making in the primary school?

Aim: This study set out to use action research to implement approaches aimed at increasing the participation of children and teachers in making decisions about their own learning. We intended to investigate the potential of these strategies to give greater responsibility, involvement and ownership to those in the classroom, and to explore the role of leadership.

Using email to assist reading

Aim: 1) To see if computer-mediated communication between boys at two different schools can enhance the reading ability and interest of Year 9 boys with low reading levels. 2) To make use of the opportunities for anonymity which email offers in order to allow teachers to assume multiple roles in the teaching of literature.