Fostering ability

Aim: To identify more able students, develop teaching methods that encourage them to reach their full potential, and examine whether identifying the more able students enables teachers to be more effective in meeting their needs.

Developing a policy of inclusion with differentiation using TASC: thinking actively in a social context

Aim: The aims of the project were to improve our whole school lesson planning, classroom delivery and pupils activities, personalise learning with pupils developing their skills of self-evaluation and self-monitoring and focus on developing their problem-solving and thinking skills.

The leadership of enquiry: learning internationally

Aim: Research undertaken by the Excellence through Collaboration and Enabling Leadership (EXCEL) networked learning community has focused on the extent to which learning can be enriched and extended by working in a cross-phase, cross-local authority and cross-national context. The key strands running through the research activities generated by EXCEL are pupil voice, internationalism and the creation of a culture of school-based research in which teachers and pupils have been empowered to lead their own learning.

Whole staff approaches to extended writing classes at Key Stage 3 - a case study in using and doing research

Aim: To use evidence from a long-standing whole school initiative on reading coaching and the wider body of research into reading coaching, to design and assess intensive cross-curricular interventions that would generate measureable gains in extended writing skills at Key Stage 3, that could be sustained into GCSE.

Narrowing the Gap - Developing Personalised Curricula for Vulnerable Students

Aim: The overall aim of the project was to improve the attendance, attainment, progression and life opportunities for vulnerable students. In particular to focus on SEAL to develop lifelong learning skills and improve life chances for vulnerable students, create a personalised curriculum for vulnerable students and use data to identify key groups of vulnerable students.