An investigation into the independent learning skills used by male students at English Language A Level

Aim: A group of very able boys in a particular cohort appeared to struggle with AS/A level English Language despite good performances at GCSE level. This study specifically aimed to investigate the factors that limit boys performance at English Language A level and identify strategies that can improve their independent learning and motivation.

Leading from the classroom: The role of assistant headteachers in primary schools

Aim: The research aimed to explore the extent to which assistant headteachers were contributing to the leadership of primary schools. Nationally, leadership groups were introduced in September 2000 and a new post of assistant headteacher was created. The research identified the rationale for the appointment, examined the variety of leadership activity that assistant headteachers were involved in and sought to determine the impact that this had in their schools. The enquiry focused on actions that were agreed by the participants to be leadership in nature, as opposed to managerial activity.

Teacher motivation in an international online collaborative learning community

Aim: The study set out to create a long term online action research activity involving collaboration between European teachers. We created a European project to look at the issue of Global Warming. We decided to monitor butterflies as indicators of climate change. This required a long term commitment to gain maximum value from the data collected. Hence teacher motivation was important. It was hoped from this to create a motivational checklist for teachers to help them when setting up online action research communities in the future.