
Gathering evidence of impact the smart way - engaging and effective self evaluation tools

One possible consequence of a less centrally managed system of CPD is an increased emphasis on self evaluation. Teachers are very familiar with the self evaluation form required by Ofsted and some of you may have also come across other self evaluation frameworks e.g. BECTA provide one which supports evaluation of current ICT provision leading to recommendations for improvement, NCETM are also piloting a framework for supporting the development of maths.

Evaluation of CPD Providers on the TDA’s National CPD database

The TDA hosts a national database of continuing professional development (CPD) available for teachers and the wider school workforce which was piloted from October 2008 and launched in October 2009. It is designed to provide schools with a single source of information on a wide range of CPD providers and provision. All CPD providers listing opportunities on the database must sign up to a code of practice providing a set of minimum requirements for high-quality CPD.