The Evidence People
QCDA early Years Project
QCA commissioned CUREE to conduct a research project into practitioners’ experiences of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which came into effect in September 2008. The central question underpinning all our evidence gathering activities is: What is children's experience of the Early Years Foundation Stage?
We are researching early years children's experience of learning in the following ways:
Real Life Modelling and Research from Teachers TV
If you want immediate, real life footage of teachers experimenting with research based strategies then look no further than Teachers TV. From Monday March 22nd, will be hosting “Proven to Work”, a series of ten short films. Each will showcase teachers experimenting with and embedding approaches that they chose on the basis of research. Philippa Cordingley contributes to the short film clips by building a bridge between the practices being shown and the underpinning research. She and CUREE colleagues have also played a central role by identifying links to practical research tools, tasters and summaries designed to help programme viewers work out how they might use the research in similar ways. Just follow the hot links on the teachers TV web site to find a range of engaging ways of connecting with the research. The clips were filmed in Heather Primary school in Leicester and President Kennedy School in Coventry.