
TDA Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD) Reports - Year 2

In 1998 the Teaching and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) led the Award-bearing In-Service Education and Training (INSET) scheme for the (then) Department for Education and Skills (DfES). A joint review by TDA and the DfES published in 2003 highlighted areas for development, including:

  • improving the responsiveness of courses to local needs;
  • increasing the accessibility and flexibility of courses; and
  • increasing participation amongst teachers and monitoring the impact of courses.


In response to these recommendations, and building on the strengths of the existing award-bearing INSET scheme, the TDA developed a new programme of award bearing postgraduate courses known as the Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD) programme. The TDA PPD programme provides funding to support teachers’ learning and development at postgraduate level (M level). Allocations of the first round of funding for PPD courses were made in February 2005, for the academic year 2005/06.

TDA Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD) Reports - Year 1

CUREE was commissioned by TDA to undertake a short scoping study on patterns of participation of black and minority ethnic (BME) teachers and teachers with disabilities in Post-graduate Professional Development (PPD) programmes. These reports are the result of the first year of this project.

CUREE Newsletter March 2012

Philippa’s Blog

Here we are looking forwards to the glories of an English spring and an Easter break. It’s good to have a rhythm to steady us  in the turmoil of so much headline change in the education system. I was reflecting on the scale of the changes at a conference at the weekend as we analysed challenges facing the system and the areas of policy that might be holding us all back. Mathew Taylor from RSA properly (and entertainingly) pointed us towards the challenges of productivity – of meeting more and more needs with ever fewer resources. Where, he asked, are the engines for innovation that will help us straddle these competing demands? Which policies, I asked myself, get in the way of this? Here is a possibly controversial one.

The Quality of CPD Provision in England - Report for Providers

This report provides a large snapshot of the range of CPD provision in England, where it stands in relation to the evidence base on effective CPD, and how much it costs. It is based on an evaluation commissioned by TDA of 75 providers including universities, awarding bodies, subject and other specialist associations, large and small private training organisations, local authorities and schools. It was carried out in 2010 -11. Its contents will help providers reflect on theircurrent provision, and consider the next steps in developing their offer