The Evidence People
Leadership Learning of Executive Heads through Continuing Professional Development and Learning (CPDL)
Presentation at the ASCL National Conference, Birmingham March 2020
Bringing together the experience of a multi-academy trust (The Futures Trust), a study of 13 smaller MATs and the evidence from a new analysis of research about the leadership of CPDL
The presentation draws on:
- The experience of a MAT leader and his senior colleagues
- an analysis of the leadership of learning 13 smaller MATs
and similar groupings (sponsored by the ASCL-led NPQEL delivery partnership) examining how those
- the latest report from CUREE mapping the research evidence around the leadership of continuing professional development and learning
Developing Great Leadership of Continuing Professional Development and Learning
This is a map of evidence from high quality research reviews (including Best Evidence Syntheses) about Continuing Professional Development and Learning (CPDL). Building on earlier work, its focus on leadership is new and important and designed to provide school leaders facing unprecedented challenges with an overview of evidence about CPDL, a particularly powerful improvement tool in their armoury.
A team of experienced researchers and research reviewers (Professors Steve Higgins, Toby Greany, Rob Coe led by Professor Philippa Cordingley) set out to update their 2015 review (Developing Great Teaching) and connect the evidence about CPD and its leadership. The new map of the evidence shows this field is moving forwards - away from an exclusive focus what CPD facilitators do, and towards a focus on what’s involved in teachers’ active professional learning as they integrate new knowledge, skills and ideas with existing practices.
Two versions of the report are available for download from here:
Evidence Informed Mentoring
Developing quality in mentoring as a driver for professional learning and school improvement
Philippa's presentation at the Hallam Festival of Education on 14th June 2019
Her presentation set out the evidence underpinning effective mentoring. She described the characteristics of good mentoring and supported this with examples through videos and activities.
School Leaders as Lead Learners in Embedding Learning Through the Arts in the Primary Curriculum
Bart Crisp and Paige Johns' presentation from BERA 2018, looking further into CUREE's work with the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, exploring the role of leaders as lead learners
The Value of Systematic Reviews from the User Perspective
This short presentation supports Philippa's contribution to the panel discussion on the uses and limitations of systematic reviews and meta-analyses at the researchED national event in London in 2018.
You can find a more detailed treatment of the issue in the Blog co-authored by Philippa Cordingley, Paul Crisp and Steve Higgins here click to access blog
Hidden Legacies and Surprising Catalysts
Lessons from international research for subject specific and pedagogic CPD
This presentation explores why and how outlier characteristics of initial teacher education in England have a lasting impact on CPD. It draws on two bodies of research - the Developing Great Subject Teaching Review sponsored by the Wellcome Foundation and work by the OECD Expert Group on initial teacher preparation which carried out a number of country reviews in Europe, the Americas, Far East and Australasia
researchED 2017 - Latest CUREE presentations
Research Informed Capacity Building
Two presentations from CUREE to the national researchED conference at Chobham Academy on 9 September 2017 concentrated on capacity building but in two different forms and contexts
-explored the key building blocks for building momentum in school improvement through the lens of a year of research and evidence based development work in Blackpool secondary schools and across schools in North Wales drawing on interim impact reports
ResearchED York 2017 Philippa Cordingley
Research and evidence based capacity building in disadvantaged communities
Presentation by Philippa Cordingley drawing on emerging lessons from two projects In Blackpol (with Right to Succeed) and North Wales (with GWE)