QR - How it Works


How does it work? What evidence are you using?


The first thing to say is that this is not an exercise in checking how well you can draw up the paperwork. This would impose an expensive bureaucratic burden on you and tells your clients little about the quality of your provision (and a lot about your drafting skills). So we try to limit the paperwork to just documents you have already produced for your own purposes. Our expert researchers will:


  • ask you to provide copies/samples of documents which give some insight into various aspects of your provision (brochures, course design documents, course materials, evaluation forms etc) which we will analyse;
  • talk to you (usually in a visit but sometimes by phone if that makes more sense) and some other people in your organisation to get a richer picture of your provision and to answer questions not dealt with in your documentation;
  • observe [1] at least one (and usually more than one) CPD session in action;
  • look at samples of  your own participant feedback, talk to participants directly  and/or survey a sample of them.

We will collate and analyse this evidence and produce from it:


  • a report for you assessing your provision against the evidence-based benchmarks including, where appropriate, suggestions of steps you might take to raise your Rating;
  • a comparison (anonymously) of your offer with similar provision offered by others;
  • an overall Rating plus a Rating profile and a Depth of Impact profile.

[1]      we recognise that some provision (such as distance and e-learning) can’t be ‘observed’ as such but we adapt the approach to suit the circumstances