Raising boys' motivation and achievement
For sample Route Map
The Evidence People
For sample Route Map
From our sample Route Map
Click here to see our presentation
Philippa attended the first Teacher Development Trust and SecEd TweetUp on the 27th of September.
Click here to see what she had to say, and have a look at David Weston's blog about the event.
Capacity building on the local level: The role of knowledge and use of research
Presentation to the OECD conference in Warsaw - April 2012
Mediating research based professional development for student learning – application to whole school professional development
Professional learning environments in primary and secondary contexts
REPORT OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTITIONER USE OF RESEARCH REVIEW: Practitioner engagement in and/or with research
This is a technical report of a systematic research review that focuses on how practitioners engage in and/or with research to inform and develop their practice. The overall question for the review is: What are the links between practitioner engagement in and/or with research and learner (student/patient/client) outcomes? Given the broad nature of this question, the review group developed a number of sub questions to help scaffold the analysis of the studies included in the review. The answers to our sub questions have in turn helped us to flesh out and illustrate the answers to our overall review question. Our sub questions are:
1. What are the obstacles to practitioner engagement in and/or with research?
2. What forms of support are required to help practitioners overcome such obstacles?
3. What is the range of approaches to practitioner engagement with research findings?
4. What is the range of approaches to practitioner engagement in research?