
FILMCLUB Inclusion Projects Evaluation

FILMCLUB Inclusion Projects Evaluation

CUREE are working with FILMCLUB to evaluate their three new inclusion projects. These projects aim to use film to help specific (including disadvantaged) groups of students. These projects target:

  • newly arrived students and their peers;
  • students with SEN and their peers; and
  • students in rural areas who rarely travel outside of their community.


The evaluation will look at how the project has impacted on pupil outcomes such as:

Closing the Gap: Test and Learn - Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention

Sponsored by the National College for Teaching and Leadership as part of Closing the Gap: Test and Learn and supported by CfBT Education Trust.

CUREE are delighted to be a part of the Closing the Gap: Test and Learn project with the Response to Intervention (RtI) intervention, and we are really looking forward to working with the allocated schools. We will be running two full days of training and one half day of training- details of dates and venues are below.