
Evidence based learning about learning -with, from and about our students

Presentation by Philippa Cordingley for the Nuneaton Army Education 

This session: 

  • Focussing on aspirations for learners 
  • Unpicking a couple of real world examples of teachers using evidence to enhance their own and learning
  • Another example
  • Our ideas about what make great teaching based on experience and case studies
  • What evidence tells us about what makes great teaching
  • What evidence tells us about how we develop as teachers
  • A metaphor


Research and Evidence Based Capacity Building in Disadvantaged Communities

Research and Evidence Based Capacity Building in Disadvantaged Communities:

Lessons from research and from R&D in Blackpool and North Wales

Presentation by Philippa Cordingley to the 2017 National ResearchEd event at Chobham Academy Stratford

The session explored the key building blocks for building momentum in school improvement through the lens of a year of research and evidence based development work in Blackpool secondary schools and across schools in North Wales drawing on interim impact reports. It focussed on issues such as understanding both capacity and barriers in depth, phasing, co-construction, scaffolding and harnessing the contributions of various stakeholders


If you want access to the presentation please email

Using data to ensure gifted and talented students achieve their full potential in Design and Technology

Aim: The research set out to look into the provision for Gifted and Talented pupils within Design and Technology at Key Stage 3 in a Hartlepool school, which was currently using a standardised ability test known as Middle Years Information System (MidYIS). Two questions were considered: Are test results from MidYIS a reliable indicator for technology GAT pupils? and Does a more creative delivery encourage GAT pupils to produce higher-level ideas and to be more satisfied with their projects?"

Using learning logs to explore the views of exceptionally able boys on learning inside and outside the classroom

Aim: The aim of the investigation was to explore with some of our Exceptionally Able (EA) students specific aspects of learning which helped them to learn best and to assess what could be improved. We asked a group of EA students to fill in learning logs in order to find out what motivates EA students to learn, how can schools help such students plan their own learning and encourage independence and what is the impact on teachers' practice when confronted with the student voice in the form of learning logs.