Effective teaching and learning in humanities

This research summary features a study which looked at the evidence for effective strategies in humanities, and most importantly why they worked:Aitken, G. and Sinnema, C. (2008) Effective pedagogy in social sciences: Best Evidence Synthesis Iteration (BES) , New Zealand Ministry of Education, Wellington, New Zealand The researchers looked for evidence of teaching and learning approaches that made a difference to student  learning.

Strategies for improving pupils' writing skills

Concerns about pupils' achievements in literacy in England are not new. This is particularly the case with writing, especially where boys are concerned (Bearne & Warrington, 2003; Kingdon & Cassen, 2007). Raising boys' literacy standards, especially their writing skills, has been a key part of English educational policy for some time.The authors of the research selected for this TLA research summary remind us that writing well is more than just an educational issue; it is a necessity if young people are to participate fully in social and economic life.

Effective teachers of numeracy

The study featured in this TLA research summary set out to identify and describe the characteristics of effective teachers of numeracy. It took place before and during the introduction of the National Numeracy Strategy.The researchers were asked to feed back their findings into the development work for the strategy. They explored teachers' beliefs, knowledge and understanding as well as their teaching practice.

Leading staff development in primary mathematics

In this TLA research summary we feature some of the findings from a major five-year study into the teaching and learning of mathematics in British primary schools.The work is derived from the Leverhulme Numeracy Research Programme, a six-strand study which began in 1997 to investigate primary school mathematics teaching at a time of national and international concern about standards of children's achievement in the subject.

Effective strategies for pupils with EBD

We think many practitioners will have a keen interest in research that has investigated different strategies for supporting children with EBD in mainstream primary classrooms, so in this TLA research summary, we have summarised the findings of a systematic review of research, which was designed to uncover and synthesise all the studies on this topic (published between 1970 and 2000).The review is:Evans, J., A. Harden, J. Thomas and P. Benefield. Support for pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties in mainstream primary classrooms: a review of the effectiveness of interventions.

Effective early literacy teaching in the first years of school

Literacy teaching is a hotly debated topic in education. For thisTLA research summary we looked across three separate primary school studies to see what they can collectively tell us about effective literacy teaching.The three studies are:Wharton-McDonald, Ruth, Michael Pressley and Jennifer Mistretta Hampston. 'Literacy Instruction in Nine First- Grade Classrooms: Teacher Characteristics and Student Achievement'. Elementary School Journal 99.2 (1998).Pressley, Michael and Ruth Wharton-McDonald, et al.

Learning about inclusion

Inclusion, that is, 'reducing the barriers to learning and participation for all pupils', is a challenge for many schools. Some of these barriers to learning and participation are inevitably found in the classroom, so if inclusion is going to be fully realised it requires the engagement and involvement of classroom teachers.This TLA research summary explores a project in which small groups of teachers were inspired to improve inclusive practice in their schools by engaging in action research.

Strategies for success in multi-ethnic schools

For this TLA research summary we selected, appraised and summarised a study that sets out to describe characteristics of successful multi-ethnic schools. The strategies mainly highlight whole-school policies, but the authors have presented their study in an accessible and case-based way, which many teachers will find relevant to their daily practice. Blair, M. and J. Bourne (with C. Coffin, A. Creese and C. Kenner). Making the Difference: Teaching and Learning Strategies in Successful Multi-Ethnic Schools. The Open University: 1998.

Effective provision of pre-school education

Early years education has become a key feature of national policy in the UK as government, local education authorities and schools try to find ways of making a difference to the lives of young children and their families.Research (such as Feinstein, 2003 - see Further Reading) has shown that children from low socio-economic status (SES) backgrounds are particularly at risk of under-achievement or even failure at school; research in the USA and Canada has also shown that that targeted intervention at an early stage can make a lasting difference for the better.