Sustainable development

Research and Evidence Based Capacity Building in Disadvantaged Communities

Research and Evidence Based Capacity Building in Disadvantaged Communities:

Lessons from research and from R&D in Blackpool and North Wales

Presentation by Philippa Cordingley to the 2017 National ResearchEd event at Chobham Academy Stratford

The session explored the key building blocks for building momentum in school improvement through the lens of a year of research and evidence based development work in Blackpool secondary schools and across schools in North Wales drawing on interim impact reports. It focussed on issues such as understanding both capacity and barriers in depth, phasing, co-construction, scaffolding and harnessing the contributions of various stakeholders


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Teachers engaging with and in research: Creating a Professional User Review of Education for Sustainable Development

Aim: This summary is written collaboratively by a team of four. Because of this it is different and is intended to be so. We hope it encourages you to explore our work further. The objectives of this summary are to find out how a researcher and four teachers of Education for Sustainable Development from primary, secondary and outdoor education engaged with an academic review of research and to highlight the issues the teachers chose to research in their schools; how they did it and what they discovered.

School Improvement: Developing and sustaining professional dialogue about teaching and learning

Aim: Our aim was to follow up six secondary schools that had been involved in the North East School Based Research Consortium (NESBRC), a collaborative partnership funded by the Teacher Training Agency/CfBT, which focused on generating evidence about teaching and learning and the impact on pupils achievements. The original partnership intended to develop approaches that were effective and could be embedded into the culture of the school after the NESBRC funding finished. We wanted to see what the schools were doing three years later.