How inclusive are our classrooms?

Aim: Following a recent review of inclusion in the Special Needs Unit at our school, we felt it was appropriate to evaluate aspects of our existing strategies for inclusion. We wanted to discover more about pupils perceptions of their own learning, and their attitudes towards the classroom learning environment and identify features of current practice that supported the effective inclusion of pupils with special educational needs.

The leadership of enquiry: learning internationally

Aim: Research undertaken by the Excellence through Collaboration and Enabling Leadership (EXCEL) networked learning community has focused on the extent to which learning can be enriched and extended by working in a cross-phase, cross-local authority and cross-national context. The key strands running through the research activities generated by EXCEL are pupil voice, internationalism and the creation of a culture of school-based research in which teachers and pupils have been empowered to lead their own learning.

Fostering ability

Aim: To identify more able students, develop teaching methods that encourage them to reach their full potential, and examine whether identifying the more able students enables teachers to be more effective in meeting their needs.

Enabling enhanced Mathematics teaching with interacive whiteboards

Aims of the Project: To develop a PD tool that focuses on using interactive whiteboard technology effectively to enhance mathematics teaching To inform and extend previous research into the effective use of interactive technologies in Mathematics classrooms Two key questions focused the discussion and research during the project: What makes an effective resource that stimulates learning when using an interactive whiteboard? How can teachers develop their skills so they can create/use resources of this nature?"