
Who you gonna call?

23/05/2014 - 12:00
Professional Development Today

Philippa Cordingley and Natalia Buckler have written in Professional Development Today about the use of specialist expertise in schools and colleges. With the movement towards professional development being school focused and schooled, important implications are raised for the contribution of external expertise.

Philippa Cordingley and Natalia Buckler explore the evidence for using specialists effectively and cast light on who they are.

You can find the article here

Outstanding Teaching Training Intervention Evaluation

CUREE was pleased to support Osiris develop an approach to evaluating its Outstanding Teachers Intervention (OTI). The tools created for this project will help Osiris collect ‘hard’ data, such as student progress and observation outcomes, to evaluate the impact of teacher participation in the Intervention. In addition, CUREE produced activities to capture soft outcomes, which we know are important elements of effective CPD. These included participants engagement in collaborative professional learning, use of evidence, and developing a growth mindset.

The Role of Coaching in Vocational Education and Training

CoverThe first of the new 'Insight' series from the Centre for Skills Development at City & Guilds, this publication focuses on the practice and theory of coaching in vocation settings. It features a number of chapters by different authors and an introduction and overview by Kathleen Collett of CDC. Chapter Two,written by staff at CUREE, draws together material from interviews of 17 'users' of coaching in educational and work settings and from the massive research evidence analysed by CUREE over 15 years. The chapter concludes with some suggestions for FE practitioners about how the findings might be put to practical use.

Other chapters examine coaching and pedagogy, coaching and assessment, coaching in support of high level vocational skills and coaching in teacher education.

CUREE's CPD Programmes

Professional Learning Programme Workshop Series

"The quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers" Mackinsey and Company (2007)

International research reveals what effective CPD looks like - professional learning opportunities which have an impact on teachers and their students involve:

BERA 2012

CUREE researchers made two presentations at the 2012 BERA conference in Manchester Click below to view them 

  • Professional learning environments in primary and secondary context (Skein)
  • Mediating research based professional development for student learning – application to whole school professional development (Routemaps)