
BERA 2012

CUREE researchers made two presentations at the 2012 BERA conference in Manchester Click below to view them 

  • Professional learning environments in primary and secondary context (Skein)
  • Mediating research based professional development for student learning – application to whole school professional development (Routemaps)

Practitioner Use of Research Review - Full Technical Report

REPORT OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTITIONER USE OF RESEARCH REVIEW: Practitioner engagement in and/or with research

This is a technical report of a systematic research review that focuses on how practitioners engage in and/or with research to inform and develop their practice. The overall question for the review is: What are the links between practitioner engagement in and/or with research and learner (student/patient/client) outcomes? Given the broad nature of this question, the review group developed a number of sub questions to help scaffold the analysis of the studies included in the review. The answers to our sub questions have in turn helped us to flesh out and illustrate the answers to our overall review question. Our sub questions are:

1. What are the obstacles to practitioner engagement in and/or with research?

2. What forms of support are required to help practitioners overcome such obstacles?

3. What is the range of approaches to practitioner engagement with research findings?

4. What is the range of approaches to practitioner engagement in research?

CUREE Newsletter July 2012

Philippa’s Summer Blog

AlpsI simply can’t remember a summer as wet as this. Looking on the bright side perhaps it means students with hay fever had an easier exam time? It also makes weeding easier as I discovered last weekend after 6 weekends “on the road “ – a mix of work and festivities. But that’s it for the up side - so I am sharing a photo from a very sunny weekend in the Italian Alps to remind you what the sun looks like. Last time I was there in June it was snowing!

Summer CPD – a case study

Westminster Special Schools

The 1 and 1/2 day coaching programme was designed to:

  1. develop and understanding of the rationale and research evidence for coaching
  2. explore different approaches to coaching
  3. develop the skills and understanding needed to use coaching as a key school/college improvement too


After day one participants were asked to try out some of the resources explored and consider possible opportunities to develop coaching further. Here is some of their feedback:  

Leadership for Closing the Gap

Responding to the national emphasis placed on improving outcomes for disadvantaged learners and  reflecting the priorities of many school leaders, the National College (then NCSL) launched in 2008/09 an initiative on leadership for closing the gap. The original aims of the initiative were to:

improve participants’ leadership for closing the gap by increasing their capacity to act and their confidence and deepening their understanding of successful practice; demonstrate effective approaches to improving leadership for closing the gap; and share the outcomes with a wider audience.

TDA Evaluation of CPD Providers on the National CPD Database - Reports

These report provides a snapshot of the range of current CPD provision in England, where it stands in relation to the evidence base on effective CPD, and how much it costs. Their contents will help you as a as a school gain an insight into the current market, and base your decisions when selecting CPD on an understanding of what is available more widely.

The research project was commissioned by the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) n England and carried out by the Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education (CUREE).