
Our latest news articles:

Posted: January 4, 2018
Welcome to our latest newsletter looking at the exciting ways schools engage with Research and Evidence!
In this Case Study Newsletter, we look at Little Ilford School’s work with CUREE to evaluate and develop its current CPD programme. We also explore how the school’s learning has been integrated into a core training structure, ensuring maximum impact for staff and students (
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Last Updated: 11/01/18
Posted: December 14, 2017

Enews Banner

Prefer to read it on the train/ in the bath/ during christmas dinner? Print-friendly PDF version here.

Christmas logoThe Christmas Blog

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Last Updated: 15/12/17
Posted: September 26, 2017

How can CPD be more effective in your school?

Is your CPD programme having the biggest possible impact on staff and pupil learning? 

 Our programme - using the New Standard for Teachers’ Professional Development - teaches you how to plan, support and evaluate your CPD programme. Using CUREE’s  acclaimed tools you will generate naturally occurring evidence to evaluate the impact of your CPD and connect staff and pupil learning more effectively.


  • Tools to strengthen individual
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Last Updated: 28/11/17
Posted: September 15, 2017


Welcome to the first fortnightly roundup, keeping you up to date with CUREE and our work. The roundups give you a chance to read about what we have been up to and where we have been. Contained within the roundup are links to pages on our site containing further information and resources.

  • To kick off this school year on the 7th September, two
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Last Updated: 30/10/17
Posted: September 11, 2017

Two collegues from CUREE presented at the BERA Annual Conference 2017, which was held at the University of Sussex on the 7th September 2017.  The presentation focused on our work with the Paul Hamly Foundation. 

-The session evaluated CUREE's work with the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. The foundation wanted to investigate how the arts can be used to

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Last Updated: 11/09/17
Posted: September 9, 2017

Research Informed Capacity Building

Two presentations from CUREE to the national researchED conference at Chobham Academy on 9 September 2017 concentrated on capacity building but in two different forms and contexts

-explored the key building blocks for building momentum in school improvement through the lens of a year of research and evidence based

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Last Updated: 09/09/17