Fortnightly Roundup- 4th to 15th September


Welcome to the first fortnightly roundup, keeping you up to date with CUREE and our work. The roundups give you a chance to read about what we have been up to and where we have been. Contained within the roundup are links to pages on our site containing further information and resources.

  • To kick off this school year on the 7th September, two of our CUREE colleagues, Bart Crisp and Tom Perry, attended the BERA Annual conference at the University of Sussex. Both presented on our work with the Paul Hamlyn foundation, investigating ‘embedding learning through the arts in the curriculum’ and the lessons that have been learnt so far. Were you at their talk? Don’t forget to tweet us with your thoughts/views if you were. 
  • Next it was down to London to run our first of three ‘evaluate the impact’ sessions at the Girls’ Day School Trust to help participants evaluate their current CPD programmes and discover ways in which they can implement changes to increase the impact on staff and students. If this interests you, look out for our upcoming session, details of which will be posted on our site. Alternatively if you would like to run this programme in your own school, don’t hesitate to get in contact with Niamh at
  • To finish off the first week, both Philippa Cordingley and Paul Crisp presented at the national ResearchED Annual Conference at London's Chobham Academy.  They presented on capacity-building in different forms and contexts. Both presentations were ones not to miss! 
  • Then it was a quick flight over the water where we visited St Louise’s School in Belfast to help identify key school development priorities that will feed into the creation of their very own bespoke Route map. This will now be developed by our research team and delivered to St. Louise’s very soon. Watch this space to hear how they get on with it!


So it has been a busy two weeks for us at CUREE and there is definitely more to come. To keep up to date follow CUREE on twitter or, if you are interested in any of our resources or sessions, please take a look at our website or if you are interested in any of our specific products visit our shop or contact us at

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