


Transferring Learning and Taking Innovation to Scale

This booklet is part of a national project, carried out by CUREE and commissioned by The Innovation Unit, that is exploring both research and practice. The project is bringing together the evidence from education research and an analysis of the approaches to transfer and going to scale currently in use by the key national education agencies in England in 2006-07. The aim is to develop a more widely shared understanding of existing practice and of the evidence base about transfer and scaling up of innovative and/or effective practice in education.

QCDA Building the Evidence Base Probe 1

The research reported here was designed to explore the nature of  lassroom teachers’ assessment practices in schools considered to be innovative in relation to the curriculum and successful in achieving high attainment at Key Stage 2. The aim of the research was to provide evidence of the ways in which teachers’ understandings about learning and assessment shaped their pedagogy and approaches to the curriculum and n doing so help others to consider how they could develop their own practice. A case study approach was adopted so that detailed descriptions of current successful practice could be supported and rationalised by clearly articulated practitioner beliefs.

Wheatfield Report

Wheatfield Primary School is a relatively new school of 420 pupils in a new town community which has little to offer young people. Many of our parents are educated to degree level and a high proportion are white collar workers. One of our six new themes, ‘Sharing the Planet’ was a completely fresh idea to all staff, so we set about creating a definitive set of aims for this strand, and ways of measuring its impact upon the children’s learning and attitudes. A trial of materials took place with the Year 2 children during the spring, with greater investigations taking place with the learners in Year 1, 4 and 5 during the summer term. All year groups have parallel classes, within each of which we identified five children who were not on track to make their target grades (L3 in Year 2 and L5 in Year 6).

QCDA Building the Evidence Base Strand 1 Report

This is the final report of the Student Data element of Strand 1 of the Building the Evidence Base project. This strand of the project set out to capture student1 feedback on their experience of the curriculum. The primary method used was a web‐based survey between February and April 2008. This was supported by a number of focus groups which were used a) to explore issues which could not effectively be dealt with via a survey; b) explore in greater depth interesting or ambiguous findings from the survey; and c) draw out the views of some students who were unlikely to participate in the survey.

SSAT Enterprise Project

CUREE has been working with Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT) on its major programme to support and improve both the quality and quantity of enterprise education in England for those aged 5 -19. CUREE’s efforts and contribution centre on the delivery of co-coaching training for SSAT Regional Enterprise Coordinators and Enterprise Learning Partnership Coordinators aiming to build ownership, sustainability, flexibility, confidence, modelled behaviours, quality of outcomes and collaboration.