14-19 coaching

Lisa Bradbury was shadowing the 14-19 coaching events during the autumn of 2009.

I have recently joined CUREE having previously worked as an adviser with the GTC Teacher Learning Academy. As part of my induction I worked with Philippa Cordingley and Clare Buntic in Sept and October on a stimulating but demanding 4 day training programme on coaching and mentoring which had been specially designed for SSAT's Diploma workforce - mainly involving the National Diploma Line Leads and Support and Development Partners. My previous training experience had always been school based so it was an interesting opportunity to consider the similarities and differences for practitioners in the FE sector. Reflecting on these differences provided a useful context in which to understand the ethos and culture of CUREE as well as the more pragmatic understanding of the materials. Of most significant was the chance to first shadow and then take part in the training as there were two cohorts involved. I had briefly explored some of the EMAC materials whilst working with the GTC but was amazed at the range, quality and depth of resources available - and heartened to know that the training I would be delivering once at CUREE would be based on these. What was also encouraging was the commitment shown to my own professional learning and the opportunity to be coached as I immersed myself in the materials. This first experience of working for CUREE emphasized how much I am still learning and how valuable coaching is for supporting and enhancing the learning process. Colleagues from schools and colleges interested in accessing the introductory free resources should contact their regional 14-19 support and development partner or register on the Diploma Support website (www.diploma-support.org/facetoface/coaching). Hurry though as there are limited time periods when this support and resources will be made available by SSAT.