Key stage 2

Did Pupils' Learning in Year 6 History and Geography increase as a result of a specific inservice training (INSET) intervention focused on Teaching Quality

Aim: An explanation of how pupils' learning in Year 6 history and geography was affected by an inservice training (INSET), an explanation of how pupils learning in Year 6 history and geography was affected by an inservice training (INSET) intervention focused on teaching quality.

Opening Minds: A competency-based curriculum for the twenty first century

Aim: Improve transition for students from Key Stage 2 into Key Stage 3. Help to develop transferable skills and competencies such as literacy, numeracy and ICT in the Key Stage 3 curriculum. Embed Learning to Learn and Emotional Intelligence into the curriculum. Create engagement in independent learning through an innovative & engaging curriculum for students in the 21st century. Extend and challenge the most able and engage those with the potential to become disaffected in KS3, creating a resilience in learning that will become habitual and transferable. Embed ICT throughout the curriculu

Using email to assist reading

Aim: 1) To see if computer-mediated communication between boys at two different schools can enhance the reading ability and interest of Year 9 boys with low reading levels. 2) To make use of the opportunities for anonymity which email offers in order to allow teachers to assume multiple roles in the teaching of literature.

Children's perspectives on formative assessment: an action research approach

Aim: The overall aim of the project was to investigate childrens perspectives on formative assessment and how formative assessment can be developed to improve learning. I was particularly interested to know how childrens perspectives on learning and formative assessment changed between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3. I wanted to explore whether an action research approach could assist in the development of classroom practice in formative assessment.

History Mysteries: History, Literacy and ICT at Key Stages 1 and 2

Aim: The aim of this project was to investigate whether effective reading by children and enactment of the stories would improve and sustain childrens writing and their learning of history.This action research project involved a mixed ability Year 4 class of 28 children. The research was in two phases. In the second phase, the year 4 children worked with all the children in year 2. The class teacher, who was the history coordinator, was supported by a teaching assistant and other staff in the school. Parents joined in with some of the activities.