
Raising boys' attainment in English through single gender teaching and assessment for learning strategies

Aim: The original aim of the project was to investigate ways to raise boys attainment in English. We were aware that our GCSE top sets were heavily weighted towards girls, with often less than ten boys in a group of thirty plus, and we wanted to address this imbalance. The main aim of the study was to close the attainment gap between boys and girls.

Transition and beyond

Aim: The aims of this project were to create a smoother transition across key stages for teachers, pupils and parents, to improve collaboration across key stage transition and to develop teachers knowledge and understanding of each others curriculum/routines/events/lessons.

Effective questioning: stepping-stones to meta-cognition?'

Aim: There were two main, linked, aims of this project. The primary aim was to investigate the role of effective questioning by the teacher in a History class. The second aim explored the usefulness of this meta-cognitive strategy in enhancing higher-order thinking skills in the classroom. These are the skills that characterise higher achievement at Key Stages 3 and 4 (11-16 years of age).