PURR Summaries Files: PURR Policy Maker Summary.pdf PURR Policy Maker Summary.pdf PURR Practitioner Summary.pdf PURR Practitioner Summary.pdf PURR Researcher Summary.pdf PURR Researcher Summary.pdf PURR Learning and Skills Summary.pdf PURR Learning and Skills Summary.pdf
Practitioner Use of Research Review Files: Practitioner Use of Research Review.pdf Practitioner Use of Research Review.pdf
CPD Providers Self Evaluation Tool - the thinking frame Files: CPD Providers SET - the thinking frame_FINAL.pdf CPD Providers SET - the thinking frame_FINAL.pdf
CPD Providers Self Evaluation Tool - the needs analysis tool Files: CPD Providers SET - the needs analysis tool_FINAL.pdf CPD Providers SET - the needs analysis tool_FINAL.pdf
CPD Providers Self Evaluation Tool - the eye diagram Files: CPD Providers SET - the eye diagram_FINAL.pdf CPD Providers SET - the eye diagram_FINAL.pdf
What kind of questions do we ask our pupils? Files: What kind of quesitons do we ask our pupils.pdf What kind of quesitons do we ask our pupils.pdf
Monitor and evaluate strategies using pupil voice Files: Monitor and evaluate strategies using pupil voice.pdf Monitor and evaluate strategies using pupil voice.pdf
Use of questions and feedback to generate discussion Files: Use of questions and feedback to generate discussion.ppt Use of questions and feedback to generate discussion.ppt
Effects of different kinds of praise on primary pupils Files: Effects of different kinds of praise on primary pupils.ppt Effects of different kinds of praise on primary pupils.ppt