
Making research work for teachers, for students, for leaders and the system

On Saturday 24th June, Philippa and Paul attended the 'Teacher Research Conference' at Sussex University. 

Philippa presented a keynote on "Making research work for teacher, for students, for leaders and the system". In her presentation Philippa highlighted the consistent evidence about the contribution of research to learning; something that we at CUREE are particularly passionate about. 

If you would like a copy of this presentation for in-school use, we are quite happy to send it to you. Just email and request a copy.

Philippa is also available on Twitter if you have any questions @PhilippaCcuree

Understanding What Enables High Quality Professional Learning

This report draws on a range of published research and other evidence to address the question “what are the characteristics of high quality professional learning for practitioners in education?”  Our main interest is in the features of professional learning, for teachers and their leaders, which lead to benefits for their pupils and students but we also looked at the quality of the experiences for the teachers and leaders themselves. In addition, we examined the literature for evidence about the relative merits of professional learning delivered by direct, face-to-face methods in comparison to distance/online learning approaches

Enhancing achievement for vulnerable students

Enhancing achievement for vulnerable students: the role of research engagement and knowledge and capacity building in complex systems

This paper to the 2013 AERA conference in San Francisco focuses on two aspects of the use of research and evidence in increasing educational effectiveness. It explores the contribution of use of research and evidence to meeting the needs of vulnerable students (Proposition 1) and the way in which it becomes increasingly important as the governance of education moves from central regulation to de-regulation, from a small number of high profile players to an increasingly diffuse, diverse and localised group of stakeholders. (Proposition 2), As remarked in OECD (Fazekas & Burns, 2012) knowledge and its use moves centre stage in the context of increasing complexity in education governance systems. Similarly, in the context of the complexity of the learning needs of the most vulnerable and the difficulties education systems have in responding effectively to them, research and evidence about high leverage approaches have a particularly important part to play. (Ibid).

Mini-enquiry Tools for Narrowing the Attainment Gap

These two mini-enquiry tools help school leaders and practitioners gather and use evidence of teaching and learning practice in the classroom and/or school.

The 'Observing Others' tool helps middle and senior leaders structure lesson (and other practice) observation to serve an R& D purpose rather than, say , performance management.

The other Tool is an introduction to a group of  research 'tasters' covering a wide range of evidence based teaching and learning topics.

The Role of Coaching in Vocational Education and Training

CoverThe first of the new 'Insight' series from the Centre for Skills Development at City & Guilds, this publication focuses on the practice and theory of coaching in vocation settings. It features a number of chapters by different authors and an introduction and overview by Kathleen Collett of CDC. Chapter Two,written by staff at CUREE, draws together material from interviews of 17 'users' of coaching in educational and work settings and from the massive research evidence analysed by CUREE over 15 years. The chapter concludes with some suggestions for FE practitioners about how the findings might be put to practical use.

Other chapters examine coaching and pedagogy, coaching and assessment, coaching in support of high level vocational skills and coaching in teacher education.

Practitioner Use of Research Review - Full Technical Report

REPORT OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTITIONER USE OF RESEARCH REVIEW: Practitioner engagement in and/or with research

This is a technical report of a systematic research review that focuses on how practitioners engage in and/or with research to inform and develop their practice. The overall question for the review is: What are the links between practitioner engagement in and/or with research and learner (student/patient/client) outcomes? Given the broad nature of this question, the review group developed a number of sub questions to help scaffold the analysis of the studies included in the review. The answers to our sub questions have in turn helped us to flesh out and illustrate the answers to our overall review question. Our sub questions are:

1. What are the obstacles to practitioner engagement in and/or with research?

2. What forms of support are required to help practitioners overcome such obstacles?

3. What is the range of approaches to practitioner engagement with research findings?

4. What is the range of approaches to practitioner engagement in research?