Closing the Gap: Test and Learn Consultation
How do I get involved?
To get involved in designing the process and selecting the interventions to be trialled you can:
Alternatively (or as well) you can:
The Evidence People
To get involved in designing the process and selecting the interventions to be trialled you can:
Alternatively (or as well) you can:
Lesson Study is a structured professional development process in which teachers systematically examine their practice and work together to improve it. Teachers work collaboratively on a small number of "study lessons", in a plan-teach-observe-critique cycle. Teachers select an overarching goal and related research question that they want to explore to provide focus and direction to this work.
The Numicon approach is built on the work of Catherine Stern, using multi disciplinary/ multi-sensory, using apparatus and focusing on Action, Imagery and Conversation. The programme of activities with Numicon Shapes and rods helps children understand number relationships, spot patterns and make generalisations. The Numicon Shapes and rods help teachers and children to communicate their ideas. Children are encouraged to work together on activities which emphasise applying understanding to solve problems.
Philippa’s Easter Blog
For our sample Route Map
For sample Route Map
From our sample Route Map