The Evidence People
National Teacher Research Panel
Welcome to the National Teacher Research Panel (NTRP) landing page
The National Teacher Research Panel was set up over 15 years ago by CUREE supported by a group of national education agencies (most of which no longer exist). It had three main goals:
Developing a Professional Learning Community for All
Kenton School has a thriving learning community, with all staff co-creators of their professional learning. Val Wigham explains how it works.
CUREE Easter Enews
- Philippa’s Easter Blog
- Route Maps – a key element in the CPD journey from primary to HE
- Frederick Bird School
- The new OfSTED Data Dashboard
- Using Support Staff to make a difference
- BERA SAGE practitioner award
- Quis custodiet..?
- Bad Science – Good Education?
- Evidence for Professional learning
- Accessing the evidence – the CUREE guarantee
- Links
Philippa’s Easter Blog
CUREE Newsletter July 2012
Philippa’s Summer Blog
I simply can’t remember a summer as wet as this. Looking on the bright side perhaps it means students with hay fever had an easier exam time? It also makes weeding easier as I discovered last weekend after 6 weekends “on the road “ – a mix of work and festivities. But that’s it for the up side - so I am sharing a photo from a very sunny weekend in the Italian Alps to remind you what the sun looks like. Last time I was there in June it was snowing!
Summer CPD – a case study
GTC Research for Teachers (RfT) Review of Websites
GTC required a review of websites, portals or electronic resources that offer access to research on teaching and learning, designed primarily for a teacher audience (examples include the Teacher Training Resource Bank, the Research Informed Practice Site, the Evidence in Education Portal, Practical Research for Education), to inform the way in which Research for Teachers can continue to differentiate itself and add value. This report sets out the results of the review.