A recipe for success! CUREE’s Spring Term CPD and Professional Learning opportunities

CUREE’s ingredients for successful staff learning 

We are tailoring our CPD support to meeting schools’ growing thirst for in-school support, for developing an effective staff learning environment whilst responding to the financial constraints of the day. We offer tools, resources and activities drawn from our deep knowledge and understanding of the evidence about effective teaching and learning for staff and pupils. We use these ingredients you structure and support professional learning cost effectively and ensures enhanced practice becomes embedded and sustained. 

There are 2 menus on offer – to respond to different balances you want to strike between tailoring and cost. Both flexibly combine activities, tools and resources to create an appetising learning menu.  

Our Table d’hôte or ‘set’ menu offers choices from established programmes, workshops, services, tools and resources focused on high leverage strategies derived from the evidence base. These offer good value for money and we can provide expert advice and support about what will work best for you. Examples include:

a) Effective Mentoring and Coaching facilitated workshops and e-learning packs

b) Evaluating the impact of CPD - for school leadership teams, includes workshops, self evaluation tools and the 360° Skein service for evaluating the staff learning environment

c) Curriculum design and planning facilitated workshops and in-school tools and resources e.g. route maps and guided pathways

2) Our A la carte menu translates the large scale evidence about effective teaching and learning into a bespoke collation of workshops and of learning tools for your own context. Our expertise in evaluating and facilitating professional learning and expert facilitators mean we can focus on what you want and ensure we wrap the effective in-school workshops and work based learning activities around it. Recent examples include:

a) Staff meeting designed to explore the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy as a tool for improving the use of questioning  aimed at raising attainment at level 5 for a primary school in Coventry

b) One day workshop of literacy and numeracy across the curriculum for secondary PGCE students at Queens University, Belfast

c) Exploring how the use of research could become embedded within a secondary school in Norfolk  via training session on their  bespoke route maps 

d) Coaching programme for senior leadership team at a secondary school in Staffordshire


We guarantee that we will:

  • Make research and evidence accessible and useful focusing on high leverage strategies
  • Provide tools to sustain learning and help staff refine strategies in the light of pupil responses
  • Introduce learning in a way that is active, engaging and helps with the collection of evidence about staff learning to support the evaluation of impact


Have a look at our upcoming events page or contact lisa.bradbury@curee.co.uk for more information.