Previous workshops

Designing Challenge into your Curriculum

Queens University Belfast gave us the following feedback on their workshop:

It improved understanding of how to overcome difficulties in challenging students, and highlighted the importance of providing appropriate levels of challenge in the classroom. The case studies were very useful.

PGCE and ITE students

We recently spent some time in Belfast working with 169 Secondary PGCE students about to start their first school placement. The theme of the day was embedding literacy and numeracy within every subject context. As part of the day’s input we explored some summaries of teacher research written to support other teachers’ learning relating to supporting literacy and numeracy within a range of subjects. The students really enjoyed the summaries and you might too! Here are the links to these summaries:

An Examination into the Effectiveness of Different Reading Strategies at Key Stage 3

Can creative projects improve the language and literacy skills of our pupils

Developing a need for algebra

Making the strange familiar emphasising the role of mathematics across the curriculum

Mathematics curriculum discontinuity on secondary transfer

Promoting students’ persistence in meeting learning challenges

Teaching strategies to improve writing in mathematics

Use of two dimensional representations to aid the transition from arithmetic to algebra

What impact can developments in literacy teaching have on teaching and learning in history

Whole staff approaches to extended writing classes at key stage 3 - a case study in using and doing research

Find out more about the event in Philippa’s November blog at: