Sauce for the Goose


After more than a decade of research and practice in teacher professional development, Philippa Cordingley argues persuasively in this pamphlet for a new and informed focus on professional learning as a powerful transformational tool. "Over the past ten years this work has strengthened our belief in the power of professional learning to transform teaching, pupil achievement, and the status of the profession as a whole."


Sauce for the Goose targets three key questions:


  • What do we know about how teachers learn?
  • How does teacher learning compare with pupil learning? And, crucially,
  • How does support for professional learning compare with the evidence?


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Download a presentation of key milestones here (6 MB)

For responses to the question: "If we have been successful in exploiting the power of research and evidence informed practice in 10 years time......" click here for a PowerPoint slideshow, (687 KB) or click here to download a PDF (1.8 MB)