Interested in subject specific CPD? Sign up to have your say!

CUREE are involved in a research project that is designed to help the Wellcome Foundation consider furthering its support for developing the scientists and mathematicians of the future. It involves integrating evidence about current CPD practice across the UK with evidence from national international evidence. 

We will be exploring how schools are helping teachers contextualise CPD for specific subjects and probing differences in effective CPD processes for Science, Maths and English that emerged in the Developing Great Teaching Report. We will also compare UK approaches with those in high performing PISA countries. 

The “Developing Great Teaching” (Cordingley et al 2015) review team are achieving this by:

  • Capitalising on a series of existing data sets;
  • Mining  the Developing Great Teaching review; 
  • Analysing a recent survey  of teachers and leaders; and
  • Carrying out  phone interviews with CPD and or school improvements leaders in primary and secondary schools.

If you lead CPD, research or school improvement in a school, please consider volunteering to take part in the interviews either before the end of term, during the holidays or at the start of the next term.

The 45 minute interviews will help you think about how you integrate CPD and school improvement, help teachers contextualise generic CPD and your plans for further development. It will be carried by expert researchers with extensive experience of CPD and school improvement.


If you are interested in taking part, please fill in your preferred contact information via: