TSC Headship Accelerator Development Programme


Headship Accelerator - Thrust into Headship

This programme is aimed at heads, acting heads and heads of school who have found themselves thrust into the role typically by the unplanned departure of the previous head. 

Sessions will provide structures and tools to enhance networking and collaboration with colleagues in similar circumstances in order to both tackle challenges through reviewing and refining practices and to access expertise specifically relevant to the challenges of your role and context.

These key design elements gained widespread support (from survey and in the design workshop):

  1. a ‘spine’ of joint activity sessions of limited duration (2 ½ hours max) and probably after school which all the participants attended
  2. an ‘action learning set’ format in which small groups of participants  take turns to coach each other (within a specified coaching protocol’) around a given topic (a problem or puzzle)

  3. some specified expert inputs on topics likely to new and challenging to heads in these circumstances particularly finance, HR and other personnel issues and the 'beartrap' issues around statutory obligations (including safeguarding)

  4. opportunities to see other people’s schools, to get outside your own experience and have something to compare it to

  5. opportunities to learn from each other but also from those more experienced (in a mentoring role)

This programme is not intended to offer 'tips and tricks' and it will not be a series of lectures but we fully understand that it has to help you do the real job now and in the future. We recognise that you are bringing both real world challenges through which meaningful learning can be anchored, and a great deal of expertise, to the table.

If you would like to be a part of the programme or would like to nominate a colleague, please use the link below:

The pilot is based around 4 sessions in total and will run from early February until the end of April as twilight sessions (normally 3.00pm – 5.30pm). These are scheduled three weeks apart, starting on the 9th of February. 

The dates for each programme are outlined below Please note that later dates are provisional to allow some scope for adaptation to meet the needs of the participants where possible:

  • 9th Feb 2017
  • 6th March 2017
  • 30th March 2017
  • 11th May 2017

Venues are still being finalised but are expected to be around (but not in) Birmingham with easy motorway access.

If you have any questions or need help booking a place on the programme, please contact pearce.brannigan@curee.co.uk

Follow the links below for more information about the programme practicalities and the rationale