Teaching Schools Council - Facilitator Rp;

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Action Learning Set Facilitator

Within an action learning set, a problem is addressed with peers where a solution to their view of the problem is not offered. Instead, good questions are asked which allow you to explore the problem in depth and potentially see it in a new light. The role of an action learning set facilitator is to keep an eye on the process, noticing and feeding back key aspects to the group at or before the review stage. The facilitator can summarise during the process to see that it is effective.

Key components of the Facilitator’s role are:

  • Watching out for 

    -      assumptions/beliefs/values and too much telling or advising

  • Reframaing
  • Giving and reciving feedback
  • Ensuring a balance of 

    -      Task/process

    -      Project/learning

    -      Actions/self development

    -      Support/challenge


The role of a coach is to enable professional learners take control of their own learning through non-judgmental questioning and support.

The coach will:

  • help to support the clarification of learning goals
  • model, observe, articulate and discuss practice to raise awareness
  • share learning experiences
  • support review and action planning
  • tailor activities in partnership with the professional learner

Click here for a link to the latest National framework for mentoring and coaching for further information.