Making mathematics learning meaningful to primary pupils

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jpegAre you concerned about making mathematics learning in primary meaningful to pupils at the same time as meeting new, more demanding Standards?

Come and join CUREE in learning from Dr Bobbie Hunter who has been leading the exemplification work of the New Zealand Best Evidence Synthesis on effective mathematics learning. 

Teachers from the outstanding Willenhall Primary School have been using Bobbie’s approach for two years and visited the schools working in this way in New Zealand as part of their Research and Development and will join us to set this in the Englsih context. 

If you were with us last time, come and catch up with all Bobbie’s news. If you are new to this approach, there will be lots of discussion time to explain how it works and when it might be helpful.

When: Tuesday 9th August, 4-6pm

Where: CUREE 8th Floor, Eaton House, Eaton Road, Coventry, CV1 2FJ

You can get a feel for Bobbie’s approach here:

Contact Joe Askew or 024 7652 40636 for more details or to book your place.