Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Teacher Development Fund Pilot

CUREE are proud to be working alongside the Paul Hamlyn Foundation in the pilot of the Teacher Development Fund, a new fund designed to support the embedding of learning through the arts across the curriculum. CUREE are drawing on our extensive CPDL and evaluation expertise to help evaluate the success of the fund during its pilot year and inform its further development.

The Teacher Development Fund has been designed to facilitate the sustainable embedding of learning through the arts across the curriculum, and in this pilot year grantees from across the four home nations will be exploring how to best achieve this while working with leaders, teachers and arts practitioners. CUREE have designed an evaluation framework to accompany the pilot, identifying best practice and recommendations for future iterations of the fund.


The project draws extensively from CUREE’s experience evaluating projects such as Sing Up, and more information about CUREE’s evaluative work with schools can be found here. You can read more about the Teacher Development Fund on the Paul Hamlyn Foundation Website.