Resources for the Belfast Masters Programme

Group A


Improving pupil learning by enhancing participation

What role does communication play in co-operative learning?

The role of communication in co-operative learning

How can we increase students’ participation in learning by promoting their interactions with each other?

How can we help students understand how we get knowledge from science processes?

Getting pupils to take greater responsibility for their own learning during collaborative group tasks

Sport education: a vehicle for inclusion and performance of your under achieving and disaffected pupils


Group B


Improving pupil learning by enhancing participation

How do students develop skills for enquiry and critical thinking?

What difference do teacher-student relationships make to students’ involvement in lessons?

Knowledge and understanding + skills = wonder child?

How does involving the children in classroom planning affect their learning?

Home school knowledge exchange

What do we know about our pupils’ backgrounds and how can we use it?

Making connections with learners’ homes to develop ‘context-based’ learning


Group C


Improving pupil learning by enhancing participation

How can we engage students through facilitating a student-focused learning environment?

Effective classroom interaction: use of questions and feedback to generate discussion

Use of questions and feedback to generate discussion

How might we improve the way we handle students’ responses to our questions?

Engaging primary school learners through a creative curriculum

Developing a need for algebra