A Research Sat-Nav

Find your way to success - not dead-ends and low bridges!


For many years, CUREE has been developing different ways of helping school leaders and practitioners find and make use of evidence. We sift, sort and select the evidence that can actually make a difference to teaching and learning. We group and we summarise so you can find and read the stuff of use to you quickly and efficiently.

We have found a helpful and eye-grabbing metaphor in the route map, a collection of different research based resources organised around one or more key themes. From our starting point, the generic route map which pointed the way to teacher-focussed resources, we have diversified into a range of different focuses and formats. These interactive maps provide an easy and intuitive route to evidence for:

  • supporting professional development sessions in school for all staff
  • mentoring of new staff and coaching of more established ones
  • briefing your governors on the school's Development or Improvement Plans
  • providing evidence to Ofsted inspectors of the rigour of your planning (particularly in the light of the 2012 Inspection Framework).

 challenge pathway - image

Drawing on the latest evidence, we have added to our range of route maps so we can now offer:

  • supporting your SDP.  A bespoke routemap tailored and focused on the teaching and learning and CPD issues which are at the heart of your school development plans
  • Tailored routemaps for other specific purposes e.g. supporting developments at faculty level or pulling together the evidence on a particular school initiative


Follow the links above for more information or contact us for more information. See some of the comments of some satisfied customers below

"...it is brilliant! The deputy and I have looked at it and discussed its many strengths and uses – it has already saved us time and moved us faster forward than we would have been."
Staff really appreciated that it saved them time in searching for valuable research resources. “We all agreed it is actually quite hard to stop following the links because the information is so interesting… already the feedback is excellent.” The staff also liked the structure as it helped them to see the connections and overlaps between the development priorities. Click on the map picture above to see a bigger, working version.

For more information click here or contact anne.groll@curee.co.uk