Elevation - the services

elevationn - logoSo what do I get?

The Elevation service includes:

  • a documentary analysis of your current provision
  • a site visit including observation of a CPD session
  • a confidential report of your provision against evidence-based benchmarks
  • an analysis of your provision in relation to CPD provision generally
  • [optionally] where you stand in relation to other similar providers
  • acknowledgement of your commitment to quality improvement


The services listed above are designed to help you review your provision on its own and benchmarked against a common standard. Our feedback to you is, of course, confidential - it is up to you to decide what you wish to share publicly. We know that CPD co-ordinators are frustrated by the lack of information about the quality of provision and will be drawn to those providers who can demonstrate quality and value for money against a standard.

We are therefore offering, as an optional additional feature:

  • public accreditation of your provision against the appropriate benchmark;
  • listing of your accredited provision in our accredited providers' database and on the CUREE and SKEIN websites




CUREE also supports schools develop their know-how in selecting the right CPD for them. Through our SKEIN programme (www.skein.org.uk), we help schools identify the effectiveness of the school as a professional learning environment and next steps for improvement. Our interaction with schools keeps us up to date with latest market intelligence – intelligence you can benefit from by participating in Elevation.


 SKEIN supporting professional learning in schools


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