Philippa Cordingley delivery keynote at "New Generation Leaders"

Philippa Cordingley has been invited to deliver a keynote speech at “New Generation Leaders” conference on 1st July in London. Babcock Partners in Education has organised this event in response to the governments’ plan of building more autonomous and self-sustaining school system that provides outstanding education for every child. The leadership role will become an important determinant of pupils’ success. Addressing a wide audience of headteachers, member of the senior leadership team and middle leaders at schools, Philippa will explore tools, strategies and practices that have been proven to make a difference to teaching, learning and the curriculum. There will also be a chance for questions and answers for participants to digest the presentation, consider concepts in their context and discuss with Philippa the effective ways to use the tools and evidence to enhance teaching and learning. If you’re interested in exploring the tools and evidence for your school, please contact