Primary - Research and evidence


How can  you further develop your self-evaluation? 

Ensuring that all learners get the most out of the curriculum is a tough job for any primary school and find out about your learners’ experiences will help you to get it right.

CUREE offers 3 levels of support to you depending on your requirements. We can run a pupil survey with common field tested questions  and give you your results benchmarked against the results from thousands of other primary pupils over three years. If you have particular questions you want to ask, we can design a tailored of the survey especially for you. And we can get you rich, deep information about what your pupils think and feel about their school experiences via focus groups. Click on the link below for more about the benefits and features of this service

  • Pupil feedback and Pupil Voice

Of course, we know quite a lot from research about the approaches that work well. Our research 'tasters' - short, readable summaries of  relevant research - will provide you with valuable starting point for thinking about the approaches that will work best for your learners.

  • Research tasters