
Evidence-based resources for secondary schools


Improving pupil outcomes is at the heart of all your work. This means deciding how to do this effectively and efficiently. How can you be confident that you are making the best choices? CUREE has a wealth of school-friendly resources which are firmly rooted in the evidence base about ‘what works’ and have been thoroughly tried and tested by practitioners. These are designed to help you select strategies that are likely to work efficiently and effectively and build on and improve practice in your school and networks.

For a limited period registered users are able to access our new publication ‘How can school leaders manage curriculum change effectively?’ for free so please register now. Click here for further information about other CUREE resources and how CUREE can help you to find those which meet your specific school or network’s needs.

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CPD for secondary schools

Teachers are a schools most important asset and their practice needs continually to improve. In these budget-conscious times it is more important than ever to make sure that they access high quality professional development. CUREE knows and understands what the international evidence base says about effective CPD which will make a difference to teaching and pupil learning. We have resources which support you in delivering pupil learning oriented CPD for your school or network as well as offering a range of workshops and INSET solutions. There are still a limited number of places on our workshop ‘Maximising the potential of coaching and mentoring for sustained improvement’ so please register now to reserve your place.Click here for further information about CUREE CPD resources and services.

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Research for secondary schools

As schools are being given increased freedoms and centralised support is being withdrawn many schools are realising the value of using research. CUREE can provide extensive evidence in school and teacher-friendly forms about which teaching strategies make the most difference to pupil learning. Click here to read a school-friendly summary of the research which tells you just this (see Hattie). Are you developing school enquiry to support self-evaluation developments? Click here for further information about how CUREE can support you in this.

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