Know What Works

CUREE’s “Know What Works” workshop series will be hosted at our Head Office just near Coventry train station or can in some instances be organised at a venue near you. Dates are currently being fixed and so if you are interested in knowing more and being on the potential delegate list please contact

May - Coaching for Challenge

The international evidence base shows that constructing appropriate levels of challenge in classrooms is demanding. This workshop will explain how coaching conversation can enable you to explore and evaluate effective strategies to plan and deliver challenging curriculum experiences.

May - Curriculum Design for effective learning experiences – aligning CPD and lesson planning

June - Evaluating the impact of CPD

The holy grail of CPD provision is delivering sessions that can be proven to have real impact and make a difference to pupil learning.  CUREE have been developing a range of self evaluation tools which help you get the evidence to show impact for your investments.  This workshop will explore these tools and models of excellence in CPD so that you can make effective decisions when commissioning or constructing CPD for staff.

June - The Next Generation – mentoring in school-led ITE

The recent white paper emphasised the intended shift to Initial Teacher Training which is increasingly focused on school based delivery. The evidence shows that a significant differentiator in the success of initial teacher training is the quality of the mentoring provision that a new teacher received in their school context. This session will explore how you can enhance mentoring provision in your school or cluster to improve the teaching outcomes for the next generation.

July - Curriculum Design for Participation, engagement and wellbeing


July - E-bacc subjects – how can I build specialist muscles in humanities and MFL?

The implementation of the English Baccalaureate caught many schools off guard, if your school didn’t have a focus on these subjects then reorangising your staff in order to reorient is a long term undertaking which will take time to have impact. So how can you achieve better results in the e-bacc without changing school priorities and staff? CUREE has experience in how to build staff’s specialist muscles in humanities and MFL and this workshop will give your tools and approaches to enhance teaching in these subjects and across the curriculum.

Sept – Practitioner use of research – achieving quality writing


Sept - Good to Outstanding – how can research give you the resources to achieve this?

How do you carry on improving – make the next step from satisfactory to good or from good to outstanding? CUREE is an international centre of excellence in using evidence to improve practice. We can help you with this - and we can do it efficiently, cost effectively and, most importantly by motivating your staff to help each other. We can help you identify approaches that are likely to be effective for pupils/students at scale, and to weigh up which options will make the most difference. Working with your specific school priorities we will tailor this programme to utilize research resources to meet your needs.

Oct – Phonics and reading - Classroom improvement a bite at a time

CUREE has a significant range of tools such as BITES and Tasters which are powerful ways of accessing the best of the international research to improve your classroom practice. Phonic, reading and group work in primary classrooms, alongside engaging with parents and linking learning back to the home environment are all areas of primary practice where CUREE’s tools and activities can help you to test out new, yet proven approaches for the benefit of your pupils.

Oct - Designing challenge into your curriculum

Recent surveys of pupils and students in England showed that 14% of them felt under challenged.  Some teachers’ were wary of the impact on learners if they found tasks too hard.  The evidence shows that teachers need support in creating challenging curriculum experiences. This session will explore what we know about building challenge into your planning and how you make this powerful for children in your classroom.

Nov - Making good use of your 14-19 resources

Designed for the FE sector this full day session will help your to explore the free Effective Mentoring and Coaching resources which you have access to and will look at how these can be used in support of your Subject Learning Coach activities and where they can help to tackle specific coaching issues and opportunities.